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75 Disorder Icons Aqua Series

دانلود آیکون و ایلوستریشن 75 Disorder Icons Aqua Series

اگر می‌خواهید مراقبت‌هایی برای افراد با مشکلات سلامت روانی ارائه دهید یا به سادگی می‌خواهید به دیگران کمک کنید، ما امیدواریم که این 75 آیکون اختلال به شما در ارائه یک دیدگاه در کمک به دیگران کمک کند

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اطلاعات بیشتر


Illustrator, Photoshop

دانلود تکی فایل

دانلود فایل با خرید اشتراک ویژه


75 Disorder Icons AI, EPS, PNG, PSD, SVG, Iconjar PNG sized 256×256, 512×512 100% Vector Compatible with Photoshop & Illustrator Fully Scalable & Customizable


Signs of depression often go overlooked. It’s never easy to have to deal with mental health issues every day. Some days are good while some are bad, but the most important thing is to remember to keep going and to believe that there will be better days ahead. If you do know someone who is going through a mental health issue, sometimes the best way is to lend an ear. Don’t try to fix them, instead urge them to go to a professional to get help. There is never any shame in asking for help.

If you would like to provide care for people with mental health issues, or you would simply like to help others, we sincerely hope that these 75 Disorder icons can give you a perspective in helping others. Please remember to always be sensitive about these subjects and we hope that whatever mental health issues or disorders anyone is going through, they would know that they’re never alone in this.

دانلود فایل با خرید اشتراک ویژه

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